How Far Along: 19 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I weighed in at 132 pounds this week.
Maternity Clothes: I can no longer wear my high waisted jeans because it doesn't look like I'm pregnant, it looks like I have a FUPA, which is unacceptable. There's also only like, two pairs of pants I can now wear to work. I'm going to have to order those waist band extender things!
Stretch Marks: Still none, although my stomach has been very itchy this week. I need to start putting lotion on twice a day I suppose.
Sleep: It's been awful. I think it's because my posture is changing, but I have this terrible pain in my back. It's causing spasms and it gets so bad that it takes my breath. Please go away!
Best Moment This Week: Finding out the sex of baby Bart! Definitely the best moment!
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Baby Bart's Mid-point ultrasound |
Miss Anything: Sleeping through the night and waking up pain free.
Movement: During the ultrasound, it was so amazing to be able to see baby Bart moving AND feel it. I've been experiencing these muscle twitches for four weeks and not been sure. Now, I KNOW 100% sure when it's the baby moving and it's the most amazing and weird feeling ever.
Food Cravings: Jimmy John's. I'm almost willing to risk getting listeria for a flipping Jimmy John's sub. Please oh please.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: The texture of chicken, still. I'm also getting really queasy in the morning due to gross drainage (thanks allergies!).
Gender: It's a boy. BOY. Baby Boy Bart. According to our ultrasound tech, he would not stop showing off the fact that he was boy. I personally never saw it. Even after she pointed it out but I'm taking her word on the fact that we are getting what we wanted. When she told us, Adam got like..a tear in his eye and it was absolutely adorable. I'm glad my instinct was right. I was afraid to tell anyone I felt we were having a boy because I didn't want to be wrong...which may sound silly to some, but I didn't want my motherly intuition to already be off! To reveal our baby's sex, Adam & I had both sets of our parents together for supper. We carved a pumpkin outside on the porch and after dinner...we turned off all the lights and brought it in.
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Piper helping Adam carve our pumpkin. |
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Piper ended up in a lot of the photos because she cried for me and who am I to say no to that beautiful face? |
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button In/Out: In, but it's already making its way to the surface.
Wedding Rings On/Off: On.
Happy or Moody: I've been pretty much just in a "blah" mood. I'm already uncomfortable and in pain, but it's not enough to ruin my good mood.
Looking Forward To: Now that we know it's a boy, I'm looking forward to starting a registry and getting the nursery started.