Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 35 weeks

How Far Along: 35 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: I weighed 154 at my last visit, but I was wearing my Hunter winter boots.  So, I'm being "that" girl and saying that because of my shoes, my weight was slightly off.  BUT, I'm definitely at least 154 now.  Sigh.

Maternity Clothes:  I'm still stretching all of my clothes out as much as I can.  It seems silly to cave and buy maternity shirts NOW with only FIVE weeks left.

Stretch Marks: I don't have any.  Instead, I have something called PUPPPS (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy and it SUCKS.  Remember those cheetah spot looking things I said I had two weeks ago?  That was the start of it, then it starts to itch, then it spreads and it doesn't go away until after delivery.  I'm trying really, really hard not to scratch it because I don't want it to spread all over my body.  Also, I made the mistake of Google Image Searching PUPPPS and I am so traumatized.  Luckily, mine doesn't look like that...

Sleep:  I'm not sleeping great, but at least I'm sleeping.  I wake up a few times a night to switch sides because my hips hurt so bad, which I don't get.  I'm sleeping with a pillow between my legs, but it feels like my hips are like...collapsing.
Best Moment This Week:  Getting the "big" stuff in the nursery.  Piper helped us put together the crib, she's the cutest.  We also went to our labor prep class and I only almost passed out once.  Go me.

Miss Anything:  Not being in the bathroom every 20 minutes :)

Movement:  Still lots and I still can't tell what is jutting out from my belly.  I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the other day Adam put a song on and he started going crazy in my belly! 

Food Cravings:  Sonic's ice still. Almost every day before or after work, I get a route 44 and chow down.  I can't get enough.  I've also been super thirsty, so the ice solves two things. 

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Chicken..and sometimes in the morning, just being awake I feel nauseous.  If morning sickness comes back I'm going to be so mad.

Gender: Baby boy.

Labor Signs: Now that he's
bigger, it's kind of hard to tell if I'm having Braxton Hicks or if his whole body has just moved to the front of my stomach.

Belly Button In/Out: Mostly out I think. 

Wedding Rings On/Off: On, but I have noticed that I am starting to swell in my fingers a little bit.

Happy or Moody:  Still moody.  I'm so itchy all the time, it's hard not to be cranky!

Looking Forward To:  We're having our final baby shower on Saturday!  I can't wait to get the nursery finished and I feel like we can't really until we have all of his stuff, which we don't have yet!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks

How Far Along: 33 Weeks

Total Weight Gain:  I weighed 150 at my last doctor's visit on 1/27/14.  I go in today, but that weight totally counts for 34 weeks.  I'm sure it's more...

Maternity Clothes:  Still only a few pairs of maternity pants.  Lucky for me this week has only consisted of work and then house work, so lots of pajamas.  Granted, my belly hangs out the bottom of my shirts while I'm at home, but I'm at it doesn't matter.

Stretch Marks:  I don't think I have any....BUT I do have these weird red areas that itch really bad, almost like a rash because they're more like cheetah spot shaped.  I'd like for them to go away/not turn into stretchmarks.

Sleep:  Well, this week has broken my "wake up to pee" record.  Four times a night and Adam has sort of figured out that schedule, which is weird to me, but two of the four times I get up, he's still awake.  I've also had lots of heartburn/indigestion waking me up.  Oh and a new thing this week...having dreams that involve me holding my breath.  So, I've woken up several times gasping for air because apparently I think it's a good idea to hold me breath while I'm sleeping. 
Best Moment This Week:  Actually putting things in the nursery that belong in the nursery. 

Miss Anything:  My normal sized legs/ankles/feet.  I've experienced lots of swelling this week and it freaks me out.  My legs/ankles/feet are sore from being so swollen.  I also miss being able to get off the couch/bed/etc without using a rocking motion.

Movement:  Quite a lot, but now it's just big lumps on one side or the other.  I still can't tell what is what....I just always assume it's his butt sticking out. 

Food Cravings: It's not a food, but Sonic's ice.  Almost every day before or after work, I get a route 44 and chow down. 

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:  Chicken

Gender: Baby boy.

Labor Signs:  Now that he's bigger, it's kind of hard to tell if I'm having Braxton Hicks or if his whole body has just moved to the front of my stomach. 

Belly Button In/Out:  Mostly out I guess.  I can't see much of it.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On, but I have noticed that I am starting to swell in my fingers a little bit. 

Happy or Moody:  Moody.  I constantly feel like I don't have enough room and it's frustrating.  Mainly because I have to have THAT much room to get off the couch, reach the table, put on my shoes.  AHHH!

Looking Forward To:  The crib is supposed to come next week.  Once it's here, we can officially figure out how we're doing the layout of the nursery.