Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pregnancy Update: Week 28

How Far Along: 28 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  The scale said 144 at my last doctor visit.  It's probably gone up since then.  Every app talks about how I'll gain the most weight this trimester.

Maternity Clothes:   Still only maternity pants for work.  Luckily, because of my long arms/torso, before pregnancy most of my tops were oversized.  Now they're fitting more how they probably should. 

Stretch Marks:  Still none.  Although when I wake up I'm always freaked out due to the wrinkles on my stomach from my shirt.

Sleep:  I've been getting incredibly tired by about 7, but once I get in bed it takes me a while to get comfy enough to fall asleep.  Then I wake up several times a night.  I've been exhausted this week!
Best Moment This Week:  . Um, pregnancy brain.  I don't really remember what happened last week, oops.

Miss Anything:  Falling asleep and staying asleep.

Movement:  So much.  Still mainly at night.  While I'm at work, after sitting up straight for a while, when I lean back, he goes crazy, like he's thanking me for the extra room or something.

Food Cravings:  I craved Arby's a lot this week.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:  Luckily, nothing this week.

Gender: Boy, boy, boy.

Labor Signs:  Braxton Hicks still.  Whoever said they ease up with walking was a liar.

Belly Button In/Out:  Bottom half is in, the top half is out.  It's like a little cave.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On.

Happy or Moody:  Pretty happy

Looking Forward To:  January 26th is the official start date of our contractors!

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